Terms and Conditions

Dealership - Terms and Conditions

Dinkum Deal offers dealerships the opportunity to rely less on other lead generating businesses, by Dinkum Deal offering free leads as well as charging only a fraction of the general pricing set by other lead generators. Dinkum Deal also do not take away the opportunity for dealers to offer Finance, Insurance, Accessories and Warranty products. With nothing to lose and only qualified new car leads to gain, sign up, it's free.

Dinkum Deal for you the Dealer:

  1. Dinkum Deal is a new car lead generator Website / Software / Smart phone app, offering retail clients in the market for a New vehicle throughout Australia, an easier way to get the best drive away price in the quickest time frame. We aim to get this quote time frame down to under 5 minutes through our unique software.
  2. Once a quote request has been submitted by the client, only the registered dealers who meet the client's criteria (brand & location) will receive the quote request information. Dealers need to respond quickly as there is a time frame cut off. The client is sent ONLY the best drive away price.
  3. To manually enter a new quote received via email from our software takes under a minute, as you are only entering your best drive away price. Your entered DRIVE AWAY price must be inclusive of all on the road fees and GST.
  4. Our software also has an editable automated quote template, this enables you to enter your best drive away price on certain/all makes and models upfront. Our software will pull this data to save you from manually entering each new quote, giving you the best chance not to miss out on qualified new car leads.
  5. Only the best priced dealer for the quote will receive the client's contact information via email from the Dinkum Deal software to make contact and arrange an appointment.
  6. Dinkum Deal will also pay your client a $100.00 voucher for using the software, once the sale is complete.
  7. Dinkum deal will provide dealerships statistics based on leads given, missed lead opportunities and customer feedback as a free service to improve the experience.


Dinkum Deal's fees are based on the invoice price the client has paid on the New car purchased:

Category 1: Car Value $0 - $49,999: Dealership pays $450.00 excluding GST.

Category 2: Car Value $50,000 - $69,999: Dealership pays $600.00 excluding GST.

Category 3: Car Value $70,000 and above: Dealership pays $800.00 excluding GST.

The Fine Print:

  1. By accepting Dinkum Deal's Terms & Conditions when registering and when entering a new quote, you are accepting Dinkum Deals Terms, Conditions and Pricing.
  2. Once a deal is complete, Dinkum Deal will forward the key contact registered person at the respected dealership an invoice for the appropriate fees. The invoice is to be paid within 7 days. Please contact support should you wish to go on payment terms and complete our credit application.
  3. If you the dealership manage to upsell the client into a more expensive vehicle which is of a higher Dinkum Deal fee category, Dinkum Deal reserves the right to charge that new amount, as the lead was generated through Dinkum Deal's software.
  4. Dealerships may not withhold any sales carried out to circumvent having to pay the Dinkum Deal fees. Dinkum Deal serves the right to remove any dealership off the software at their own discretion.
  5. Irrespective of the date the lead was generated through the Dinkum Deal software, the appropriate fees will still apply. There is no expiry date for a lead generated.
  6. Once a new deal has been complete (client has paid), and the client claims their $100.00, Dinkum Deal will confirm the authenticity of the sale with the dealership before paying the client their $100.00 for using the software.

    To view our full Terms and Conditions please see our website.